COVID-19 | Chief and Council Update
- Published: March 19 2020 15:10
Chief and Council Update
March 19, 2020
Acadia First Nation Chief and Council has been continually meeting and participating in numerous Conference calls over the last number of days concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic. We have had numerous conference calls with various departments and levels of Government including Indigenous Affairs Canada. Our EMO team have been meeting for many weeks preparing. In fact we have been working on a pandemic response plan for quite some time. Our Health team continues to work diligently to update our members and relay the latest information.
Some of you may have heard our Prime Minister announced yesterday there would be $305 Million set aside for Indigenous Communities to establish a support fund. This fund will be for all First Nations across Canada including Métis and Inuit. At this point we have not been advised how much Acadia First Nation will receive from this fund. We have also not been advised what specifically we will be able to use these funds for. Once we have this information it will be communicated to our members.
We are working on submitting an application for emergency health funding from Indigenous Affairs Canada. This emergency money will be used for a variety things. We will be stocking each community centre with necessary supplies such as cleaning supplies and health related items. Many items have already been ordered and arriving soon. We will also be stocking homemade frozen meals at our community centre. These meals will be made by our restaurants. These supplies and food will be kept at the Community centre. Items will not be distributed at this time but held for emergencies that might arise in the coming weeks. They will be disturbed as needed to our band members should the need arise.
Our Gas stations continue to operate. Our Yarmouth and Medway restaurants are still providing take-out orders. Our gaming operations including Bingo have been suspended. Our staff at all locations are doing a tremendous job and we appreciate all their hard work. Our Fisheries Department continues to operate and our fishing crews will be continuing as long as possible. Our Administration staff will now begin working from home. Thank you to all our dedicated employees.
This is a rapidly evolving situation. Chief and Council are continuously monitoring and assessing the situation. As announced yesterday additional assistance will be provided to some of our most vulnerable members. This includes Elders, Social Assistance recipients, Disability Pension recipients and AFN sponsored students who live in apartments and on their own.
We encourage everyone to stay home if you can. Follow all Public Health recommendations. Check our AFN Website and various Facebook pages for updates and information. Check in and look out for one another especially our Elders and those who at high risk. We will continue to keep you informed throughout these difficult times.
Acadia First Nation
Chief and Council