
Gardner's MillFirewood, slab wood and rough lumber are available for purchase and delivery, options are available. Orders can be made by calling or visiting the Yarmouth office: (902) 742-0257 or call the mill manager at 902 307-2542.

In 1993, 2,700 acres of land in Gardner's Mills was entrusted to Wasoqopa’q First Nation by its previous owner, John Cook. Located close to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, with valuable forest land with lakes, Wasoqopa’q First Nation recognized the potential of the property and developed and implemented a forest management plan that included the building of the Wasoqopa’q First Nation Saw Mill.

In operation since May 2004, the sawmill has enabled Wasoqopa’q First Nation to:

  • Develop a successful and sustainable resource
  • Implement selective cutting practices
  • Obtain a maximum amount of lumber from trees while reducing   waste
  • Cut lumber to meet specific customer needs such as for housing and   building products
  • Provide value-added products for the market, such as dimensional lumber
  • Enhance employment and economic development opportunities

The mill includes: 

  • Trailer with grappler for moving logs from the forest to the mill
  • Eager to provide customers with a wide range of products
  • Please take a look at our lumber prices! (128 KB)
  • Woodmizer Sawmill and Edger
  • Tractor with log loader trailer
  • All trees (hardwood and softwood) are transported from woods with skidder

2019 Firewood Price List


   Blocked Firewood   Blocked and Split 
Band Members  $160 / cord  $200 / cord
Non-Band Members   $200 / cord  $240 / cord

Subject to Availability: Slab Wood. For more information please contact the Mill Manager at 902-307-2542