Health Update #10 with WFN Community Health Nurse
- Published: June 19 2020 10:07
Hi everyone,
It’s an exciting day today in Nova Scotia! We have gone 9 days with no new cases of COVID-19, and only 2 cases remain active in the province. Today, Premier McNeil announced some big changes:
- Household bubbles are burst! You can now gather in groups of 10 or less without physical distancing. While this does not have to be the same group of 10, it is highly encouraged to stay consistent.
- You can now gather in groups of up to 50, as long as physical distancing is practiced. This can be done inside or outside.
- Playgrounds are now allowed to open. They may need to be checked, and fixed up before use, so they may not open immediately. Please be patient as these open.
These are very exciting steps being taken and I encourage you all to get out and enjoy the new lift in restrictions, but please remember to be cautious. Continue to wash your hands frequently, physical distance in groups larger than 10 and in public spaces, wear a mask when appropriate, stay home when feeling unwell and call 8-1-1 if showing symptoms. Remember the pandemic is not over, and we have to balance the “new normal” with the risk of overwhelming our healthcare system. With each new phase of normal, our risks do increase, and we don’t want to go backwards! Continue following public guidelines. Be kind. Be patient. Be vigilant.
Have a wonderful weekend, and wash your hands.
Chelsea Sawyer
Community Health Nurse
O: 902-627-1245
C: 902-277-2297