Election 2020
File: ACADB-1012129
April 3, 2020
To: Electors of the Wasoqopa’q First Nation
We are the solicitors for the Wasoqopa’q First Nation and have been asked by Chief and Council to update you on the status of the 2020 election process. The election process was expected to start with a Nomination Meeting on May 5th, with an election on June 13th.
As everyone knows, we are in the middle of a public health crisis due to COVID-19. The Province of Nova Scotia has declared a State of Emergency and has made an Order prohibiting persons from gathering in groups of more than five.
Indigenous Services Canada has recommended that First Nations postpone elections during this health crisis, and Federal and Provincial Health authorities have recommended all Canadians practice social distancing.
Social distancing during an election process (nomination meeting, campaigning, voting) is not conducive to the success of the democratic process. Further, Wasoqopa’q Band members are at serious risk of contagion from this virus.
In this circumstance, Chief and Council have exercised their power to postpone the 2020 election until a future date, expected to be in the Autumn of 2020. The exact date will be determined by Chief and Council when the length of this health crisis is better understood.
For more information, you can go to the Wasoqopa’q First Nation website, and click on the tab for “Election”. There you will find a copy of (a) the BCR postponing the election and (b) the 2020 Election Handbook, recently approved by Wasoqopa’q's Electoral Officer, Brenda Tracey.
Until the new election date, Chief and Council will continue to govern in the best interests of the First Nation and its members, and you should check the official Wasoqopa’q First Nation website for updates.
Yours very truly,
D. Bruce Clarke, Q.C.
- Election Results - Complete Tally (118 KB)
- Final Election Results (703 KB)
- Election Results - Scrutinized (931 KB)
- Acadia First Nation Election - Advance Poll -Results (108 KB)
- Polling Information 2020 C&C Election (152 KB)
- Candidates Contact Information (293 KB)
- Election Handbook 2020 (221 KB) (UPDATED)
- Election Band Council Resolution (958 KB)
- Burchell's Letter (105 KB)
- Pre-Election Notice (30 KB)