Weekly Health Update #6 with AFN Community Health Nurse
- Published: May 12 2020 15:59
Hi Everyone,
What a beautiful day it was yesterday! I hope you were able to get out in the sun and soak up some much-needed vitamin D to help boost your mood and energy!
As I’m sure most of you are aware, the announcement was made Friday that students will not be returning to school for the remainder of the 2019-2020 year. Students will receive another workbook/assignment and the school year will officially end June 5th. While this may not come as a surprise to many, the official announcement may be difficult to process, or accept. Covid-19 has really impacted our lives, and it can feel like a grieving process for both you and your kids, losing the rest of the school year.
I want to say to the graduates of 2020, I know that you are not getting the end of high school that you expected and worked so hard for. You have still accomplished so much, please be proud of that, and there will be other ways to celebrate moving forward. To the parents who now know that your children will be home until at least September, I know it can be overwhelming and difficult. To all parents and caregivers, who are there day in and day out, with no “break” and limited places to go, because of COVID-19, hang in there. Everyone, including the kids, are doing the best they can. Be kind to yourself.
This week we will be launching a “Get Up and Move” contest, so stay tuned on the ‘AFN Community Health Facebook’ page, or the AFN website. We will also be starting weekly draws on “WFD - What’s For Dinner?” posts. We want to hear from the community on how you are moving and what you’re cooking!
If there is a topic you’d like to see more about, such as nutrition, physical activity during isolation, coping strategies, child and youth health, etc. Please let me know and I can look into helping you as well as the community!
Stay safe and wash your hands,
Chelsea Sawyer
Community Health Nurse
O: 902-627-1245
C: 902-277-2297
Best links to get information
Please see our Facebook page: AFN Community Health and answer the joining questions for access. Frequent updates, resources, and links will be posted there
Nova Scotia Government:
Nova Scotia Health Authority:
Government of Canada:
World Health Organization:
WHO advising on pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding:
Mental Health Provincial Crisis Line: call 24/7 1-888-429-8167
Kids Help Phone: call 24/7 1-800-668-6868
text CONNECT to 686868
or chat online on their website