
COVID-19 Update from the AFN Health Director | March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATE # 4 (March 20, 2020)

The NIHB program is continuing to provide benefits and services while following public health guidance and recommendations from health professionals as the situation evolves.
The NIHB Drug Exception Centre, Dental Predetermination Centre and regional call centres continue to operate and receive calls from providers and clients. Please note that wait times may be longer than usual, and we appreciate your patience.
The NIHB program normally covers up to a 100-day supply of chronic medications. In determining the quantity to refill for clients, pharmacists will consider advice from professional associations and regulatory bodies, as well as patient-specific factors. If a client is seeking an early refill (before 2/3 of their medications are used), the pharmacist may submit the claim with an over-ride code, and NIHB will reimburse. However, it is the pharmacist’s decision to provide early or longer refills.
NIHB clients are encouraged to consult with their health or benefit service provider to confirm whether routine, non-urgent appointments should be postponed.
Dental professional organizations across Canada have advised that non-emergency services should be postponed. Call your dental provider’s office to see if any scheduled dental appointments have been cancelled.
You may contact your mental health service provider to confirm whether they can provide counselling services via telephone (tele-mental health services by eligible providers are covered by the NIHB program).
NIHB is continuing to support clients who need medical transportation benefits to access urgent or essential medical services. Vulnerable clients will be supported by prioritizing private modes of transport. Additional guidance has also been provided to support external service providers (such as boarding homes and airlines) for infection prevention/control.
As the situation evolves, information will be provided through NIHB call centres and posted online.

As the situation evolves, we will share any further updates or changes to NIHB operations with you. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this challenging time.

Non-Insured Health Benefits
Atlantic Region
1-800-565-3294 /

Marla Robinson-Pyne
Health Director Acadia First Nation
Cell Phone: (902)740-7089