Health Update #12 with AFN Community Health Nurse
- Published: July 28 2020 14:07
Hello Everyone!
As you know, I am back in the Gold River Health Centre and available for appointments both virtually, or in office. I can be most easily contacted by email: You can also call my cell phone 902-277-2297. Please watch the AFN Community Health Facebook page for updates, information, programs and contests. Another contest will be coming soon, and I am currently working on a virtual healthy living program for the fall. If you have any requests or ideas, please get in touch with me to let me know.
As of Friday, July 31, masks will be mandatory in all indoor public spaces. Children under two are exempt, as well as children aged two to four when their caregiver cannot get them to wear a mask. People with valid medical reasons for not wearing a mask are also exempt. The list of places this will include are listed in the first link below.
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Strang has stated that there are very few valid medical exemptions and these mostly pertain to anxiety disorders. The Canadian Thoracic Society states there is no evidence that wearing a mask worsens a chronic lung condition such as asthma or COPD (second link below). Wearing a mask can be uncomfortable, and may cause some to feel anxious, but we must all try to do our part to help minimize the spread of Covid-19, if you are able.
If you have trouble wearing a mask, there are ways you can work on that. Start now by wearing one at home for short periods of time. Practice wearing it for longer periods of time when you know you are safe and able to take it off at any time. This can help ease your mind and build up your tolerance. Also, you can try reminding yourself “this isn’t just for me, this is to protect my family, my friends, and my community”
Take Care,
Wash your hands, and wear a mask
Chelsea Sawyer
AFN Community Health Nurse