
Livelihood Community Engagement Meetings (Updated)

Updated!!! New Date for Gold River. Please take note of the changes outlined in RED
Moderate Livelihood: Wasoqopa’q First Nation Perspectives

Session purpose:

To value the insights of Wasoqopa’q First Nation community members in the creation of an interim management plan for a livelihood fishery. This interim plan will be further developed by Chief and Council and brought again to the community for final input and approval.

Dates, Times and Locations:

Doubletree Hotel in Dartmouth - August 25th, 2020 (completed)
Gold River Community Center - September 8th, 2020 @ 6:30 pm (new date)
Liverpool Best Western - August 31st, 2020 (completed) (attendance via Zoom will be available)
Shelburne Shelburne Fire Hall - September 2nd, 2020
Yarmouth Rose Purdy Community Center - September 3rd, 2020 (attendance via Zoom will be available)

All meetings will begin at 6:30 pm

Meeting set up and COVID requirements:

  • Please register in advance.
  • Do not attend this meeting if you are feeling sick of have health concerns. A virtual option will be available instead.
  • We have organized the meeting to ensure a distance of 6 feet among participants/family groups.
  • Please bring your own mask. We will also have extras on site.
  • Sanitizer will also be available

How To Register:

Please contact Curtis Falls by phone or email
Phone: 902 742-7214
Cell: 902 740-2573

Current Meeting Agenda:

  • Opening prayer
  • Welcome, purpose, agenda and, introductions (10 minutes)
  • Brief presentation and Q/A: Purpose and overview of moderate livelihood (20 mins)
  • Participant discussion and sharing back in 5 focus areas (70 minutes)
    • The Marshall decision provides a legally recognized, Constitutionally affirmed place for Mi’kmaq in the fishery.
      1. Moderate livelihood: The Marshall Decision defines moderate livelihood as “…a right to trade for necessaries” (1:58), which includes basics such as food, clothing and housing, supplemented by a few amenities, but not the accumulation of wealth (1:59)
        1. What does the term moderate livelihood mean to you and your family?
        2. What’s the maximum amount of money a band member household should be allowed to earn from a moderate livelihood harvest each year?
      2. Species and areas: The term ‘the fishery’ includes many species. If you were able to enter the livelihood fishery, what would you choose to fish and in what area?
      3. Access: The fishery is highly regulated and structured, with clear zones and a set number of licenses. What are your thoughts on how Wasoqopa’q First Nation, and the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia, should consider access to the fishery?
      4. Safety: Preparing for the fishery: What training would you need to enter the livelihood fishery?
      5. Managing the fishery:
        1. Who manages this fishery? How do we fund the management of it?
        2. Netukulimk. How do we address conservation? What happens if people don’t follow the rules?
        3. What other rules and regulations should be followed?
    • Summary of responses and overview of next steps (10 minutes)
  • Feedback sheet (5 minutes)
  • Closing prayer