
Proposed Wasoqopa'q Fuel Mitigation Work for Ponhook, Gold River and Wildcat

Proposed Wasoqopa'q Fuel Mitigation Work for Ponhook, Gold River and Wildcat

Below is a presentation provided by Evan Fougere, Emergency Mitigation Officer, CMM which covers the proposed fuel mitigation work plan we have created for several of our communities. These communities were chosen due to their unique vulnerabilities to wildfires, emergency services response times and funding availability. A Wildfire Resiliency committee was formed to look at the Wasoqopa'q First Nation landscape to determine what work would be conducted in which areas. Our team worked to identify which communities would benefit most from fuel mitigation work and this presentation outlines the results of that work.

Please watch the following video and provide any feedback to:

Project Lead Committee Co-Chair
Evan Fougere

Joseph Falls


 Additional Documents: AFN Fuel Mitigation Executive Summary (1.07 MB)