
School Health Grant Opportunity for Youth | Ages 16 - 19


We are excited to share that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has informed us that they are now accepting applications for the School Health Grant for Youth!

Applications that meet all eligibility criteria set out in the Youth Grant Applicant Guide will be approved on a first-come first-served basis until December 20, 2024 at 11:59 AM EST, or until funds are fully expended (whichever comes first)!

If you are a Canadian student aged 16 to 19 enrolled in secondary or post-secondary school, you can apply for a $1000 grant. This grant is for creating a project that encourages healthy living, and must take place in a school-setting, aligning with health promotion goals. This grant program encourages youth to put their ideas into action while giving back to their school with a focus on one of the following priority areas: reducing substance-related harms, positive mental health and well-being, healthy eating and nutrition or physical activity. 

For additional information, please visit PHAC’s School Health Grant for Youth webpage. To request an Application Form please reach out to PHAC directly via email at . 

We wish you the best in your grant application process!