
Weekly Health Update #7 with AFN Community Health Nurse

Weekly health update with AFN Community Health Nurse

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and this beautiful weather. Last week we launched the “Get Up and Move” contest. Details are on the website and AFN Community Health Facebook Page. Enter for your chance to win $50 gift card that can be emailed or mailed to you.

As you know, restrictions continue to be lifted as the weeks go on, and will continue as the number of covid-19 cases stay consistently low. More areas will open up, which means there will be more movement throughout the province. We cannot rely on “our area has no new cases”. We are moving towards a new normal, but the pandemic is not over. We MUST still be vigilant in basic prevention measures:

  • Wash your hands frequently, preferably soap and water if you have access, if not, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Gloves are not the best defense for the public in preventing infection of Covid-19. Gloves frequently give a false sense of security, and is seen to actually create more cross-contamination. The safest measure you can take is washing your hands after each interaction, and refraining from touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Maintain 6 ft/2 m distance between you in anyone you come in contact with that is not in your 2-house bubble
  • Ensuring respiratory etiquette; covering coughs and sneezes with elbow
  • Sanitize/disinfect high contact areas of your home frequently: doorknobs, counters, remotes, taps, phones, etc.
  • If you have 2 or more symptoms of Covid-19 please call 811 to decide if you required testing
    • fever greater than 38⁰C (100.5⁰F), or symptoms of fever (body aches, chills, weakness, and fatigue)
    • new, or worsening cough
    • sore throat
    • runny nose
    • headache

It is so important for us to take this slow so we can keep progressing forward. Keep an eye on the provincial updates, as they give the most up to date information regarding restrictions and recommendations. Thank you for your commitment to the health of our people and province.

If there is a topic you’d like to see more about, such as nutrition, physical activity during isolation, coping strategies, child and youth health, etc. Please let me know and I can look into helping you as well as the community!


Stay safe and wash your hands


Chelsea Sawyer
Community Health Nurse
O: 902-627-1245
C: 902-277-2297


Best links to get information

Please see our Facebook page: AFN Community Health and answer the joining questions for access. Frequent updates, resources, and links will be posted there

Nova Scotia Government:

Nova Scotia Health Authority:

Government of Canada:

World Health Organization:

WHO advising on pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding:

Mental Health Provincial Crisis Line: call 24/7 1-888-429-8167

Kids Help Phone: call 24/7 1-800-668-6868
text CONNECT to 686868
or chat online on their website