
Notice to Band Members | Regarding Stores on Reserve

Stores on Reserve page 001

  Download Here (279 KB)

Grade 12 Graduates

Grade 12 Graduates

Any Wasoqopa’q (Acadia) First Nation band members graduating Grade 12, June 2024
please forward your name and complete mailing address to:

Janice Francis
Education Director, WFN

t. 902-685-2956

Gold River Community Committee | Community Invitation

Letterhead copy page 001

Wasoqopa'q First Nation FSC Engagement Meetings

Wasoqopaq First Nation FSC Engagement Meetings

Cannabis Survey Results

2024 Cannabis Survey Results
Cannabis Survey 2024 page 001

Download Here (423 KB)

Postponement of Elver Community Engagement Meetings

Acadia Community Sessions Postponed 15Feb2024 page 001

You can download a copy of this notice below:

Acadia Community Sessions Postponed 15 Feb 2024 (117 KB)